Happy Meow-O-Ween

Happy Meow
Happy Meow-O-Ween by Michele Ridgway – Wentworth – 40 pieces

How cute is this puzzle? It’s too adorable! You can’t really tell in the picture, but that isn’t candy beside the cat, it’s a mouse wearing a sweater that makes him look like a piece of candy corn – that seems a little risky to be dressed like a treat!

Hopefully it doesn’t get too repetitive me telling you how much I enjoy wooden jigsaw puzzles. They are a completely different experience than assembling a cardboard jigsaw puzzle and I highly recommend splurging on yourself and getting a wooden puzzle. There are many reasonably priced wooden puzzles from many different companies, and you are absolutely worth it! Happy Meow whimsies

The bat is my favorite of these whimsy pieces, the others are all sort of generic fall items. Still, they’re all pretty awesome to have in a puzzle, and the pieces that surround them have very interesting shapes too in order to fit next to them. The first thing I do when opening up a wooden puzzle is look for the whimsies, they’re so fun and I’m fascinated by how intricate the shapes can be. Wentworth goes the extra mile and makes the extra cuts to define what each piece is, they’re so lovely.

Happy Halloween everyone! I love this holiday, and I am also really looking forward to tomorrow, all the Halloween candy is 50% off! 🎃🍬🍭🍡🍫

Trick or Treat 2

Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat 2 by Sheila Lee – Sunsout – 500 pieces

I found this puzzle at mom’s, it’s a thrift store find and I really like the image! The box was pretty beat up, and I was worried that it would be missing pieces, but luckily they were all present and accounted for. I love how colorful it is, and it was a lot more fun to assemble than I expected.

The random cut was pretty fun to work with, but the fit was mushy. You could put two pieces together and they felt and looked as though they fit, but they absolutely did not. With this kind of fit you can’t rely on feel, you have to pay close attention and sometimes I even had to turn the pieces over to be certain. That’s what I call a mushy fit, and I am most definitely NOT a fan.

Mushy fit aside though, it was still pretty entertaining for my first holiday puzzle of the month.

Tomorrow is the big day – I love Halloween!


Upstairs, Downstairs In Progress

Upstairs IP
Upstairs, Downstairs – Ravensburger – 1000 pieces

My apologies for the glare in this picture, sometimes you just have to do the best you can. 🙂

I started this puzzle yesterday and I’m hoping to have it finished today. All the pieces seemed very similar for the most part as I was sorting, but as I’m working it they are all becoming much more familiar. It’s funny how that happens. No matter how many puzzles I’ve put together I’m always a little surprised by it.

The feel of the pieces is lovely, but I must say I’m slightly disappointed in the very evident piece shapes in the completed sections. Ah well. No lives were lost, it’s really not that important, and it doesn’t take anything away from the enjoyment of assembly.

It’s a beautiful image, and I’m so looking forward to seeing it complete!


Penguins – Patch Products – 24 pieces

Unfortunately for me this is the last puzzle from the box of 20 that mom and I found at a local thrift store. I’ve had such a great time putting these together that I’m a little sad that they’re all done.

I consider myself educated and intelligent, but I have to tell you I was surprised to learn from this puzzle that there are penguins native to Africa. I may have heard that before, but I obviously didn’t process or retain it. To me the continent of Africa brings to mind deserts, jungles, safaris, and heat. Penguins in Africa? How awesome!

Penguins 1

I have to get myself to the thrift stores to see what other treasures I can find. My black belt thrift store shopping puzzle dealer isn’t around anymore to keep me swimming in interesting and beautiful puzzles – it’s time I started supplying myself. It’s worth a little pain to get myself out of the house and searching for some fun and unique puzzles.

Little Feminist

Little Feminist
Little Feminist by Lydia Ortiz – Mudpuppy – 500 pieces

This colorful puzzle was completely entertaining and quick to go together. Only one piece shape, but the little sections were relatively easy to pick out and assemble even without a variety in the piece shape.

I love the catalog of Mudpuppy puzzles, but they’re another brand that only has the one piece shape. Perhaps I’m getting to be a crochety old lady who complains too much, but I’m a bit annoyed by how many brands have just the one piece shape. I’ve assembled a few of their puzzles before, so at least I knew going in that they would all be the same shape.

This is my kind of image though; I love a collage and I love cartoon puzzles too. It went together very quickly because it was hard to walk away. Each section lead to the next, and they were all fun to assemble.

This is another puzzle that my daughter found for me in the clearance section at Barnes & Noble when we were trying to find a particular book. I can never go into a store without checking to see if there are any puzzles for me to look through. It’s a sickness, one I believe I discovered – PADS. I’m severely afflicted and loving it! 💖