Wednesday 11-30-16


Most of the light blue clouds are finished and I’ve started the dark blue sky. There are about 1200 or more of the dark pieces left, wheeeee!!

I’m surprisingly not finding this puzzle tedious yet.  I figured once I had to start on the sky it would be difficult and frustrating, but it isn’t.  I’ve been working on the clouds for 2 days and it isn’t bothering me at all.  In fact today I was having a great time working on it, in between throwing a toy for the dog over and over and watching netflix.

Tomorrow I have to get groceries in the morning, but hope to be able to work on the puzzle during the afternoon after I rest from shopping.  I bet there’ll be more sky done! Super exciting!

Pencil Collage

Pencil Collage by Maureen Rupprecht – White Mountain Puzzles – 1000 pieces

This White Mountain fit together so tightly it could be stood on end!  So of course, I had to take the picture that way, and with the way the pencils are laid out in the puzzle it makes an awesome picture!

We ordered this puzzle and I put off working on it for a while because it was on the “challenging puzzles” page of the White Mountain website and I needed to be in the right mood to do it.  I did not find it to be that difficult actually, and really enjoyed the entire assembly. The image was crisp and all the printing on the pencils was easy to read. There were some funny sayings on some pencils and some very interesting ads as well.  Super fun puzzle for me – especially because I always love to have words to assemble AND it’s a collage.  Bonus!

Don’t be frightened away from challenging puzzles, sometimes the challenge is just what you need and sometimes it isn’t as difficult as you think it will be.

More Colorful Egg Pattern Favorites To Go For

More Colorful Egg Pattern Favorites To Go For by Gregory L. Blackstock – Pomegranate – 1000 pieces

When I first saw this puzzle I thought, “That’s kinda cool”.  Then I read the little blurb about the artist and I had to own it.  Gregory L. Blackstock is an autistic artist who defines the world around him by identifying, ordering and arranging things.  His artwork helps him find a sense of order in a chaotic world.

I have two children with autism, and completely understand his need for order and an outlet for the stress of dealing with people and things that are confusing or upsetting.  In addition to being excited to get a jigsaw with artwork by a person with autism, it’s a fabulous fun puzzle that is hard to walk away from. Once you pull pieces for an egg and assemble them, it leads to pieces of another one, and so on and so on.

The Pomegranate quality is exceptional, their boxes AND puzzle pieces feel amazing. The pieces are thick and sturdy and soft feeling at the same time. The box feels just as great and is the sturdiest box I’ve ever seen for a puzzle.  The fit is quite good and the image reproduction is as well. LOVED this puzzle! Pomegranate puzzles have exceptional quality and I would recommend them to anyone!

Tuesday 11-29-16


It’s much slower going now, everything left is just sky.  Different shades of the sky at night.  I finished Big Ben and started on the lightest color of the clouds.  I was also able to finally complete the trail of pixie dust so it is all connected.  Everything you see on the board is connected, that always makes me feel like I’ve made lots of progress.

Today’s piece count was the lowest so far for this section, but it looks like I got lots done, so I’m pleased.

I wonder what I should work on tomorrow.  Sky perhaps? 😉

Monday 11-28-16

img_2364Most of Big Ben is done; still have a few pieces to add on the left side, the spire at the top and the lower portion. But it looks impressive compared to yesterday! 🙂

I’m exhausted and hurting and cannot think of another thing to say.  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is enjoying the holiday season.