Tuesday 02-28-17


The blue went very quickly today, after the window I worked on the Beast’s jacket and the curtains in the background. It looks awesome, and both the Beast and Belle are connected! I love that. 🙂 I was also able to fill in all of the holes in the twinklies at the top, so it looks even better. I got much more done than I planned to today, the blue pieces seemed to go quite fast!

Tomorrow I plan on starting with the yellow pieces; Belle’s dress, the trim on the Beast’s jacket and his vest. I have no idea how much I’ll get done or if it will go quickly like the blue. I have to be gone half the day tomorrow so what I get done in the morning will have to do. When I get home after being out for several hours I will be in no shape to sit and puzzle. 😦  The good new there is that I will be able to lay in bed and work on the 1000 piece puzzle I’m assembling while I rest. There’s always a silver lining.

Monday 02-27-17


We have a border! I couldn’t sleep last night, so I was up VERY early this morning and was able to get lots of quiet time working on the puzzle.

I keep changing my mind about where to go from here. I could start with Belle’s dress and the rest of the yellow, or I could start with the window that’s behind her. I’m not sure which one I’ll pick in the morning, it all depends on how I’m feeling and how early I get up. Hopefully it won’t be 1:45 am again 😮  The window behind them might be the place to start, since there is much less of that than there is yellow. It might be better to start smaller and then move up to all the yellow pieces. Hmm.

It looks great now with the edges on, I can’t wait to see how it starts coming together with all the bright colors!




Telephones by Troy Litten – Galison – 550 pieces

Another new manufacturer – Galison. I liked it! Not love, but not bad at all. 🙂

I love this image, because I love collages and also my dad used to work for the phone company back when everyone had actual land line phones in their houses. We had plenty of phones to play with when we were kids, old phones that would have been thrown away we got to play with. Doesn’t seem that fun in this world of computers and tablets and smart phone apps but children used to play with things that required their imagination. Wow!

I tried assembling this puzzle once before, put together the edge pieces and then put it away – I just wasn’t in the right mood for it. Second time was the charm and I really enjoyed it. I love how a picture like this is so easy to get sucked in to. You pull the pieces for one of the squares, and that leads to the square next to it and so on and so on. So much fun!

The piece shapes were not bad, there were very few pieces that were 2 prong 2 hole. Lots more different shapes! The pieces were on the thin side, but sturdy. The coating was matte and I had no problems with glare at all, and the image reproduction was very good – the colors were crisp and bright. Very good quality overall in my opinion. I love trying new companies!

Sunday 02-26-17


Visible progress! Excellent!

Got way more done today than I was able to yesterday, which made me very happy! The twinklies can be a little boring – so on one hand you want to get them over with, and on the other hand you would rather work on something more visually interesting.

If I’m feeling ok tomorrow I’m hoping to get the top edge of this section done as far as the twinklies are concerned.  I have no plans beyond that, I’ll be glad just to get the top done. But it’s starting to look good!

Saturday 02-25-17


Not a lot of progress today, barely over 100 pieces. 😦

I tried, but wasn’t able to do much of anything today. I did get Mrs. Potts connected to the twinklies and filmstrip, and I was able to find a few more pieces of Cogsworth. I did get started on the left side twinklies but didn’t accomplish as much as I would have liked.

Here’s hoping tomorrow will be better!