Happy New Year’s Eve!

I know we puzzlers are a hard-partying bunch of dangerous, daring dissectologists, but be safe out there tonight everyone! As for myself, I’ll be babysitting my grandpuppies – it’s true, the fun never stops.

There was a time when I stayed up to welcome the New Year, but truth be told a warm bed and some restful sleep is SOOOO much more exciting to me. Yep, I get my thrills while happily unconscious; and I ain’t ashamed to tell you that either!

Best wishes for a safe, happy, and healthy New Year to all members of the puzzle posse! 🎉🥂🎉

Color Dream

Color Dream by Nadieh Bremer – Artifact – 403 pieces

Oh man! This was a challenging, beautiful, fantastic puzzle to assemble! It was quite difficult, as I didn’t use the image on the box – but I absolutely adored both the challenge, the image, and the assembly itself. 🧡💜💙💚

This was my third puzzle with an image by this artist, and I am completely smitten with her work – it makes for such fun puzzling! And I also have to give a shout out to the designer of the pieces, Chandler Millwood (who designed all three of Nadieh’s puzzles), whose design was like artwork in itself. Stunning!

Look at all those loops and swirls, it was such a challenge, but so much fun! The groups of stars in each corner, the connectedness of everything – just a wonderful design to go with such a lovely image.

The star in the center and the loops that form the flower-like image around it aren’t visible from the front. It made for such an interesting puzzle! I know, my use of exclamation points is getting ridiculous, but this puzzle made me so happy that I just can’t help myself!!

There was a surprise in the box, the description on the website alluded to it, but I skipped right over it when I was ordering the puzzle. It said “Tools included to make your own tiny orbit artwork.” Whatever does that mean?

It came with it’s own tiny little wooden Spirograph! Does anyone remember those from when you were younger? I certainly do, and let me tell you there have been a LOT of little pictures made with this already. I have to fess up and tell you that it didn’t occur to me until I was probably 50% through the assembly that all the little images on the puzzle are ones that you could make with a Spirograph. I was looking at the shapes and putting together colors and suddenly realized that all the loopy, swirly, interesting shapes are ones you could make with the toy in the box. DUH!

This puzzle was unbelievably difficult, entertaining, beautiful, and FUN!

…Movies In Progress…

Going To The Movies – Springbok – 1000 pieces

I finally got this one sorted and started assembling the edges, but the border is more difficult than anticipated. I admit that I gave up on it for a bit yesterday and had plans to come back and at least get the border done, but life got in the way. As usual.

Then there were plans to get up early this morning and finish the edge before I had to type up today’s post, but sleep got in the way of that one. 💤💤

Hopefully once the border is complete it’ll be a little bit easier!

The Flintstones

The Flintstones – Ravensburger – 1000 pieces

My sweet, beautiful daughter got me this puzzle for my birthday, and she did such a good job picking it out – it was so much fun! It was definitely a Goldilocks puzzle; not too easy, not too challenging – it was just right. Of course I loved it. ❤

Wonderful Ravensburger quality, as usual. The feel of a Ravensburger puzzle massage (running my hands over the completed puzzle) is like no other, it’s so satisfying. Perhaps that’s just my little ritual, but the feel of a great quality puzzle when it’s finished makes me very happy.

Maybe I’m just being pedantic again, but if it’s 3,000,000 BC – how would they know? Wilma is reading a “magazine” with that date on it; but B.C. means before Christ, so how do they know he’ll be born in exactly 3 million years? It’s such a minor detail, I know, but these things jump right out at me and I can’t stop myself from seeing these little, insignificant details and then pointing them out to you. I think it’s the former executive secretary in me, I’m hard-wired to find mistakes.

All the black and white sections were the hardest to do, and the last bits to be assembled. After putting together the colorful scenes I assembled the slightly colored frames, and ended with the grayish sections. I really enjoyed every part of this image, it was VERY entertaining.

Alright, it’s time to reminisce. Anyone watch The Flintstones when it was was a prime time cartoon? How about in reruns during the 70s? The series was no longer being made when I was born, but I remember watching the reruns when I was younger. The theme song has permanent residence in my brain; I think most of my generation could sing it from memory. It’s iconic.

The opening of the show, which changed several times, at one point had the family going to a drive-in restaurant where Fred ordered a slab of dinosaur ribs that tipped over the car when they were brought. Also an iconic image that is forever stuck in the far recesses of my brain. Nostalgia, huh?

This puzzle was so much fun, it is definitely recommended. If it looks like something you’d enjoy – go for it – it gets two Brontosaurus ribs way up!🍖🍖

The Name Of The Game Is Go

The Name Of The Game Is Go – MicroPuzzles – 150 pieces

Another puzzle my youngest picked out for me to do – I wasn’t in the mood for this one when he showed it to me, but my momma mode kicked in and I agreed to anyway. Once again he was right, it was lots of fun!

Once I got started on it I found it hard to walk away from and this went together in just over a 24 hour period. At one point it was 2 in the morning, and I found myself sitting in the bathroom just because I wanted to work on the puzzle. 🛁🧩

This was the companion puzzle to Postcard From Paris that was posted at the beginning of November; and it was much more entertaining for me with it’s brighter colors and easier collage-type image. So much more enjoyable than I’d thought it would be.

I love it when that happens! 💚