Burma Road

Burma Road by Charles Wysocki – Buffalo (Silver Select Edition) – 1000 pieces

While this was an entertaining image to assemble, I found the puzzle itself a bit of a disappointment. Still, they don’t all have to be perfect, and there is still fun to be had even though the quality may be lacking.

Normally I have no issues with Buffalo puzzles, but honestly the purpose of the Silver Select Edition puzzles eludes me. From what I can see the only difference is a “giftable box with silver foil accents” and a resealable plastic bag to store the pieces in; the price is the same as other 1000 piece Buffalo puzzles. I’ve only done this one puzzle, but it’s all I have to go on. The fit was quite loose, the cut seems a little different, and overall I was a bit disappointed.

If it had been your average Buffalo puzzle in the usual box I don’t think I would have been as let down, but the box has “Silver Select Edition” stamped on it, and truthfully I was looking forward to a puzzle with elevated quality. When that failed to appear it seemed more disheartening somehow.

This field of watermelons was no easy feat to assemble! I knew it would be difficult, and it made the finished section feel like quite an accomplishment.

There’s something about the buildings in a Wysocki image that makes me want to take a walk through them; they seem so inviting and quaint.

This building had me wondering what those pointed spokes are on the roof – does anyone out there know? What are they called and what is their purpose? Certainly I could do some online research, but I’d much rather talk to you.

The title of the image is Burma Road. Do any other oldsters out there remember the Burma Shave signs on the road? Their popularity was quite a bit before my time, but one town over from us there were a set of five or six Burma Shave signs on the road out of town. I always loved seeing them. The signs in this image say “Dewhiskered…kisses…defrost…the misses…Burma Shave” Very cute!

…Boardwalk In Progress…

Down on the Boardwalk by Charles Fazzino – TCG – 300 pieces

I know, it’s a terrible picture – apologies. I’m working on a time crunch this morning, that’s my excuse. Usually I’m in the puzzle room first thing, but today was an anomaly and I didn’t get in here until about 7:40 this morning. Just enough time to snap a picture of what got assembled yesterday and type up a quick post about it.

It’s been quite a while since there’s been a puzzle image by Charles Fazzino on my board, and I’m not sure why because it’s been quite an entertaining assembly so far. Perhaps where I’ve been shopping there haven’t been many of his images to choose from? Not exactly sure. But this puzzle has good quality; thick pieces, bright reproduction, and a good fit – you could almost forget that there’s only one piece shape. Almost.

On a completely separate note, I’m watching over my grandpuppy Manny today. He’s in terrible pain, but the emergency vet wasn’t able to find what is wrong with him. If you’re of the praying type, send up a quick prayer that at the very least he isn’t in too much pain for now, it’s heartbreaking to hear him cry. 😭


Battleship – Spin Master – 1000 pieces

These board game puzzles seem to be growing on me, each one I complete seems to be more entertaining than the last; this one was my favorite assembly so far. The quality remains the same, but perhaps I’m more used to it now and it doesn’t seem as disappointing as before. It’s a good quality puzzle, overall.

There’s only one more left here at the house to assemble (Guess Who?), but there are actually three more in the series. The other two, Life and Monopoly, aren’t ones that we’ve been able to find; that’s alright with me though, neither of them were ever games that I enjoyed playing very much. The puzzles themselves would most likely be much more fun than playing the games, although you never can tell.

In all honesty, I’ve never even played Guess Who?, but the puzzle itself looks like it’ll be both challenging and engaging and I’m looking forward to it.

Unfortunately I’ve already told my best story about 70s commercials in the post about this puzzle when it was in progress. I did get more of the story recently though. We had a small get together at the house to celebrate both mine and my father’s birthday, and he re-told the story of my doing jingles and commercials at the grocery store (I told you my parents love to tell this one). He told me that my mother ordered me to “stop singing commercials next to me!”; my response was to go to the next aisle over, where I wasn’t next to her, and kept right on singing and quoting tv ads. What a little imp I was!

The blue background here was one of the last bits to be assembled, but it wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. In fact, the entire puzzle was easier than anticipated. Not too easy, of course, but the challenge level was just about right. There was never a point where I needed to separate by piece shape, and overall it was a great assembly from beginning to end.

Rainbow Tarts

Rainbow Tarts – Buffalo – 300 pieces

This was a perfect puzzle for when I wasn’t feeling up to much puzzling – it was easy to sort and assemble – which was just what I needed. It had a quality problem, but it was still a fun one to put together.

I normally don’t have problems with Buffalo puzzles, but there was an issue with the image on this puzzle. There were tears in the image, as if the pieces weren’t cut all the way through and they tore when the pieces came apart. They were small little rips, but still noticeable to me. I emailed Buffalo about the problem, and have yet to hear back from them other than the automated response.

It was so easy to sort that it was no problem at all to assemble this line by line. The most difficult colors were the first three lines, after that it was even easier!

Even though this would have been easy to finish in no time at all it was on my board for a few days, I took my time because I wasn’t really in the mood to puzzle – but I needed to just the same. When my mood gets very low I don’t want to do anything at all; puzzling can help me out of it, but sometimes I need to force it and that’s when these smaller piece count puzzles are the best choice.

Tiered Treats In Progress…

Tiered Treats by Aimee Stewart – Wentworth – 210 pieces

My son picked out a wooden puzzle for me to assemble next, and I’m having lots of fun already. How would it not be fun? It’s an Aimee Stewart image!

It’s a shaped puzzle, so the edges aren’t where I’m starting; obviously I started with the blueberries. I don’t have the image near the board to look at; usually when assembling a wooden puzzle I put the image away so the assembly lasts longer. I like to fully enjoy working on a wooden puzzle and focus on nothing but the pieces and colors. 🧩💚

Because I don’t have the image close at hand I pulled all the blueberry pieces thinking they would all be in one section, but it looks as if I was wrong, they seem to be everywhere.

That’s ok though, it’ll all fit together in the end.