Teal Lake

Teal Lake by Andy Russell – Milton Bradley (Big Ben) – 500 pieces

I love the image of this puzzle, and I liked that even though it was only 500 pieces it was still a bit challenging. It made for some fun puzzling!

This is a thrift store puzzle, and other than quite a loose fit it was pretty good quality. The image reproduction is lovely, there are a good variety of shapes and the chipboard was a nice thickness. The finish is matte and feels soft to the touch; the loose fitting pieces made for some frustrating moments trying to move pieces around, but otherwise I was happy with it.

Distant Mountains

Distant Mountains by Bob Ross – Thunder Bay Press – 96 pieces

This is the first puzzle from my Happy Little Jigsaw Puzzle Book full of Bob Ross images that I bought in November of last year. At only 96 pieces this was a bit more difficult than I imagined it would be, but I still love the look of it and am pleased as punch that there are still so many more to do.

As I said in my first post about the puzzle books that my daughter and I found, the pieces are extremely thin – almost like cardstock – but the fit is exceptional. It has to be in order for them to stay in the book properly. Even though this puzzle was removed from the book to assemble, it still took a bit of effort to put it back in so that it would stay there without falling out. It’s back in place and the book can even be stood upright and the puzzle remains in place without danger of it coming out. Very cool!

The quality other than the thin cardboard was excellent. The image reproduction is GORGEOUS, there are a good variety of shapes and the fit is wonderful. I’m so glad my daughter and I found these books, and am really looking forward to assembling the remaining 17 puzzles. (Plus the nine images in the Game of Thrones book also come together to form a large map of the country/areas in which the show takes place🗺)

This is the page this puzzle comes from, the image is from Season 14, episode 1. Even though the show was on the air for only eleven years, there are 31 “seasons” of The Joy of Painting. He made 403 episodes of his show, that’s amazing!

I also learned from a little research that he created three versions of each painting. The first one was done before the show and was used as a template to paint the one he made on air. The second was painted live during the show, and the third he painted after the show was taped to add more details for use in his instructional books. All of the paintings were either donated to various public broadcasting stations, the Smithsonian Institution, or kept by Bob. With 403 episodes, that’s a lot of painting!

On the page opposite each puzzle is a little blurb about Bob Ross; his philosophy of painting, his life, and his thoughts about nature, etc. His works of art aren’t images I would normally choose for puzzling, but at less than 100 pieces they’re beautiful little one coffee puzzles that make me smile – happy little clouds and all!

I Love Music In Progress…

I Love Music by Charlie Girard – White Mountain – 1000 pieces

This was finally sorted and assembly began yesterday, and it’s going quite well! It’s been a minute since I’ve done a brand new White Mountain puzzle, and honestly I’m quite impressed with the quality. Has anyone else noticed if their puzzles have improved in the quality department?

The finish is much nicer than their older puzzles in my opinion – it’s no longer shiny but matte and the hand feel is excellent; I’ve found myself rubbing my fingertips over the assembled sections absentmindedly as I’m thinking or looking for pieces. I like this new finish. 😊

The fit seems nice as well, it’s absolutely Goldilocks in this puzzle; not too tight, not too loose, just right. 👱‍♀️🐻🐻🐻

When I started sorting I thought this would NOT be as entertaining as I’d hoped, but thankfully I was wrong. Again. It’s going well and I’m finding it hard to walk away from. There’s always one piece more, I remember seeing that one, and it should go here……..

Main Street – Day 6

Main Street by Joseph Holodook – Cra-Z-Art – approx. 83/500 pieces

And now we’re at the end of this set of Main Street puzzles, the last two buildings. They were all entertaining to assemble, and the Americana theme made for twelve beautiful shaped mini puzzles. I loved them all!

The quality was quite good for one of these sets with a good fit, beautiful image reproduction, an excellent variety of shapes and chipboard of a nice thickness. The buildings were all different shapes and sizes so there wasn’t any repetition and each one was a nice little puzzle to be solved. There have been a couple of sets that were disappointing, but this wasn’t one of them.

I’m very much looking forward to getting the three other puzzles that I haven’t yet done. (One may be a bit boring as they’re all the same shape, but I’m certain they’ll still be fun to put together.)

According to the sign Doc Ritter can cure your critter – large or small, there’s care for all. I love the look of this one, it actually reminds me of images by Wysocki and Jane Wooster Scott; it has such a homey feel to it. 💖

This one is another one that looks like fall to me, both the pumpkins in the front and the colors too. Raven’s Perch Pies – that seems awfully specific doesn’t it? At first I thought that it was just a place that made fish pies, then it finally clicked with me that it’s just a pie shop called Raven’s Perch – not a place that makes Perch pies run by a person named Raven. Duh!

I’m not too proud to tell you that it took me WAY longer than it should have to figure that out. I used to be smart! LOL

I enjoyed this set more than other sets of buildings for some reason, but again I don’t seem to be able to put into words exactly why that is. Even though I can’t seem tell you why, all that really matters is that they were fun to do – at least that’s what matters to me.

Happy puzzling today my friends, I hope you enjoy whatever puzzle you’re working on as much as I enjoyed these!

Main Street – Day 5

Main Street by Joseph Holodook – Cra-Z-Art – approx. 83/500 pieces

Sick of all the old-timey buildings yet? Well if you are, you only have to deal with these for one more day and then it’s back to regular puzzles. I love them all though, and putting together mini puzzles makes me pretty darned happy.

Sophia’s Pie Shop has the love baked right in! And, it’s connected to the Pumpkin Crest Inn, wake up in the morning and go have yourself a pie for breakfast – sounds like the perfect thing for me. Especially apple pie!

I love the fall colors of this little puzzle, autumn is my favorite season and the look of this one makes me very happy.

This one makes me smile, it seems as though a husband and wife have neighboring shops. Clem Clover sells cheese, and Clair Clover sells cool ice cream. It looks as though Clair is doing quite well compared to her husband; though I do love the look of the man in a top hat on a penny-farthing with a package of cheese on the back. 🧀