Flower Jungle II

Flower Jungle II by Krovblit – Buffalo – 300 pieces

Loved this one even though it was difficult for a 300 piece. There’s something about the colors and the way it’s put together that is so beautiful to me.

I had never done a puzzle with an image by Krovblit before, and enjoyed it very much. His color choices remind me of Ciro Marchetti and Aimee Stewart. No wonder I love it!

Another Buffalo puzzle with a great fit; another picture of a puzzle standing up. Stacey is a happy lady!

Flower…In Progress…

Flower Jungle II by Krovblit – Buffalo – 300 pieces

Got started on this puzzle yesterday, but didn’t work for very long at all and spent most of the remaining day in bed. Sigh.

The Buffalo quality is very good, and the colors and image are amazing. Even though there is still plenty left to go I’m enjoying it very much. I haven’t come across this artist before, Krovblit. Apparently he is an artist who works primarily with collages, but combines that with digitally altering some images before he cuts and pastes them by hand.

I hope there are more puzzles of his to find!

Soda Fountain

Soda Fountain – Buffalo – 1000 pieces

What a fantastic thrift store find this was! Truly excellent quality with a great image that was very entertaining to assemble – couldn’t ask for more. ❤❤

This was the best fitting Buffalo puzzle I’ve put together in a while, and I have a theory as to why that is. Interested? No matter, I’m going to tell you anyway…

This puzzle is 14 years old, manufactured in 2010; and the box is different – bigger, to be exact it is taller than currently manufactured Buffalo puzzles. There is enough room for all the pieces with a little bit of extra space at the top. The extra space is key, because if a couple of pieces don’t come apart as they’re being put into the box there is enough room that they won’t be smashed against the sides or the top and bent. Puzzles made more recently have a shorter box that JUST fits all the pieces; if the puzzle fits too well they’ll be smashed against the box and bent all out of shape. The fit is looser these days to be sure they’ll come apart and fit in the smaller box. It doesn’t always work though, and I’ve had a few Buffalo puzzles lately with quite a few bent pieces because there was less room in the box.

*This is where my brain goes when I’m puzzling sometimes, off on tangents like this. 🤷‍♀️*

This is what the picture in my mind is of a typical boy from the 50’s; striped shirt, baseball hat, baseball glove. It’s probably from old tv shows and movies that I’ve seen and not based on actual kids, since I didn’t show up on the scene till the late 60’s. Once I was of an age to notice things like what people were wearing it was the 70’s. *shudder* Thankfully I was the third of three children so mom and dad don’t have many pictures of me, they were too busy taking care of their three girls to take a bunch of pictures of us wearing those HIDEOUS clothes. 😉

A 1000 piece Buffalo puzzle is quite large, and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to take this picture, but I had to try – the fit was just too good. It worked! Happy dance 💃💃💃

Of course I still prefer Pepsi, but this Coca-Cola puzzle was so much fun!

Soda Fountain In Progress…

Soda Fountain – Buffalo – 1000 pieces

Don’t you love the look of old-timey ads and artwork? Well, I do. They make for more difficult puzzling sometimes, but the end result is worth it in my opinion. I’m loving this one!

This is a thrift store purchase and the quality has been EXCELLENT so far. It’s obvious that it’s been assembled a time or two (it was manufactured in 2010), but there are no bent pieces, no torn or lifting image, and the fit is absolutely amazing. It makes me want to be sure my next puzzle is a Buffalo as well. I know they’re all not going to be the same as far as quality, but this assembly is making me quite happy.

I’m still working on completing all the faces and skin, but it’s getting there and looking really nice. It’s funny how when I look at the picture of what I’ve done so far it seems as though it would be simple to find the missing pieces of this face or that spot; but in reality it ain’t easy at all!

I’m a Pepsi gal myself, but Coca-Cola really does have such great old advertising images. Good thing drinking Coke while I’m puzzling isn’t required. 🥤

Burma Road

Burma Road by Charles Wysocki – Buffalo (Silver Select Edition) – 1000 pieces

While this was an entertaining image to assemble, I found the puzzle itself a bit of a disappointment. Still, they don’t all have to be perfect, and there is still fun to be had even though the quality may be lacking.

Normally I have no issues with Buffalo puzzles, but honestly the purpose of the Silver Select Edition puzzles eludes me. From what I can see the only difference is a “giftable box with silver foil accents” and a resealable plastic bag to store the pieces in; the price is the same as other 1000 piece Buffalo puzzles. I’ve only done this one puzzle, but it’s all I have to go on. The fit was quite loose, the cut seems a little different, and overall I was a bit disappointed.

If it had been your average Buffalo puzzle in the usual box I don’t think I would have been as let down, but the box has “Silver Select Edition” stamped on it, and truthfully I was looking forward to a puzzle with elevated quality. When that failed to appear it seemed more disheartening somehow.

This field of watermelons was no easy feat to assemble! I knew it would be difficult, and it made the finished section feel like quite an accomplishment.

There’s something about the buildings in a Wysocki image that makes me want to take a walk through them; they seem so inviting and quaint.

This building had me wondering what those pointed spokes are on the roof – does anyone out there know? What are they called and what is their purpose? Certainly I could do some online research, but I’d much rather talk to you.

The title of the image is Burma Road. Do any other oldsters out there remember the Burma Shave signs on the road? Their popularity was quite a bit before my time, but one town over from us there were a set of five or six Burma Shave signs on the road out of town. I always loved seeing them. The signs in this image say “Dewhiskered…kisses…defrost…the misses…Burma Shave” Very cute!