My Favorite Color In Progress…

My Favorite Color by Velvet Spectrum – Buffalo – 300 pieces

This gorgeous image is turning out to be easier than I thought it would be – so far. Finding the right colors hasn’t been too difficult, and what you see here went together really quickly. I didn’t finish sorting until this morning, and put this together in just a few minutes.

Once I start trying to assemble those large words it may become more of a challenge, but you never know. At least I never seem to know what images will be easy or hard, usually my perception of how it will go together turns out to be wrong.

Oh well, it’s fun to be surprised by puzzles sometimes, right? Perhaps if they were all exactly how you image them to be there wouldn’t be much point in assembling them. I don’t know. 🤷‍♀️

I’m waxing poetic this morning, perhaps I need more sleep – or more coffee.

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