Tiki Mask Montage

Tiki Mask Montage – MicroPuzzles – 150 pieces

My daughter picked out this puzzle, and she did a fantastic job. This was so much more entertaining than anticipated, and more than once I found myself sitting in the bathroom just so I could add a few more pieces to the puzzle.

The bright colors, the different masks – it was all thoroughly enjoyable from the first edge pieces to the final piece in the middle. Why on Earth did I wait so long to get this one done?

I sure hope you all are enjoying reading about these puzzles, because they are still loads of fun for me to assemble and I don’t see myself stopping my subscription anytime soon. Every month I receive two more puzzles – they aren’t always images that I might pick out myself, but usually they’re fun to assemble and I’m always proud of myself whenever we get one done.

This particular puzzle did make me a little bit sad though, once it was finished. There were no more pieces left to add and I was sorry it was over. 😢

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