Casual Friday

Casual Friday – MicroPuzzles – 150 pieces

Loved this puzzle – and as an added bonus – I was helped along by both my daughter and my hubby! Hubs put together the border (part of it was wrong but that’s ok, I put it right eventually); and my daughter put together the dark blue shirt. I know that’s only a few pieces, but it counts and I loved that she helped. She also helped me choose this puzzle to assemble before we started, it was her favorite of all the MicroPuzzles here to choose from.

This would be a great puzzle in a larger piece count, the colors and patterns on each shirt were quite fun to sort out and put together.

My brain isn’t working this morning, so there’s isn’t much more I can think of to say about this little puzzle – other than that I still love working with the little pieces, and there’s something so satisfying about completing a MicroPuzzle for me.

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