Night Owls Study Group

Night Owls Study Group by Karen Burke – MasterPieces – 300 pieces

Is this not an adorable image? My son and I loved all the nerd/geek references – being a professed and proud professional puzzle geek myself I am part of that community. Nerds rock!

This puzzle had a rather odd fit that I’m having trouble finding the words to describe. It almost seemed loose when you connected some pieces together, but it is not a loose fit at all. The fit felt “off”, is the best way I can describe it. The pieces didn’t lay flat either, which is not a problem I can ever recall having with a MasterPieces puzzle.

It was like this all over the puzzle – almost like they were warped. Very odd indeed. And then, for a puzzle with and odd fit that feels loose but isn’t and whose pieces did not lay flat…check this out!

I’m telling ya, this was one of the most bizarre fitting puzzles I’ve ever done – and believe me I’ve done a LOT of puzzles!

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