Wednesday 01-25-17


I was only able to put around 100 pieces in the puzzle today. I feel awful, felt awful all day but I did make some progress.

The top of the section is complete, not quite the top half but I’m getting close. Going to try to keep going with the filling in before I flip it around on the table and start working on the bottom half. It’s starting to look quite good in the pictures, which I don’t always see when I’m working on it. I see only close up on the pieces and it usually surprises me when I see the picture how much different it looks. You really can’t tell the size in the picture, but each section is 4 1/2 feet across so the details get lost and you don’t always see it when you’re working close to it. Then you take a picture and can see the puzzle as a whole and it looks completely different.

Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow and will be able to work on the puzzle a little bit more.