Sunday 01-01-17


I know, it’s cockeyed. But the entire puzzle is in the picture, and the photo editor on my computer doesn’t allow me to straighten the picture anymore! Or if it does, I have no idea how to do it. Stupid updates.

Anyway. Got my sides about as done as they’re going to be – it almost looks like I’m working a regular puzzle! Yay! I really do like having the sides done, it allowed me to center the puzzle more on the board without worrying about the pieces collapsing when I try to move it, and it’s just helpful for me to know exactly where the “edges” are. Even if it doesn’t make sense to you, it does to me. 🙂

I was able to start on some characters – frogs! Got most of the 3 completed, but to be honest they’re the smallest characters piece wise. I wanted to get going on the inside of the puzzle, but didn’t have too much time to spend so I started with the little guys. Tomorrow I think I’ll start with Flounder and see how it goes from there.