Nothing’s In Progress…

I finished the 300 piece puzzle on my board yesterday, and also finished up the puzzle in the bathroom – so unfortunately I’ve got no puzzles going at the moment to tell you about. Normally I would have made sure to at the very least start sorting another puzzle to post about (every third day is an “in progress” post), but it’s been a rough week and I just didn’t get around to it.

We got home from our trip on Sunday evening, and I immediately had to go to the doctor. Because of a problem with my good leg I’ve been put on bedrest for the next week and am temporarily taking a medication that makes me extremely dizzy and lightheaded (and I still have to take my pain meds with it). So even if I wasn’t ordered to stay off my feet, I would absolutely need to – because me walking around feeling dizzy is a recipe for disaster. I’m a klutz. A big one.

Anyway, yesterday was spent in bed almost all day long and I never got around to starting a new puzzle. I’ve chosen what’ll be next both on my puzzle board and in the bathroom, they just haven’t even been taken out of their packages yet. And there are still eight puzzles to write posts for that were assembled on our trip or since we’ve been home; there’s plenty of puzzle stuff to keep me busy, that’s for sure.

Regardless, I will definitely get a puzzle going today. Hubby has to be away during the day this weekend, and I’ll be able to sneak off to the puzzle room if I’m feeling well enough. And if I’m not – there are plenty of trays here and if need be I can start sorting and/or working on the next puzzle in bed! 🧩🛌

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