Harmony Harbor

Harmony Harbor – Spin Master – 300 pieces

This is a beautiful image, I’m not sure that it’s “calming” for me though. I wish there were more to say about this puzzle, but it was just…meh. Not bad, not great – it just was. Most certainly it is more about me than the puzzle itself or the image, but that’s how it seemed.

Spin Master has come out with these Calm puzzles; there is an app to download (comes with a free 30-day subscription) and you use the app to enhance your experience with mindful audio content from Calm, the #1 app for meditation, relaxation and sleep.

I’m not interested in an app to help me enjoy my puzzles; all I need is a beautiful image made by a quality jigsaw puzzle company and some great music to sing along with or just peace and quiet. Having the audio curated for me just isn’t what I’m looking for.

The quality was good; there were quite a few pieces with bent tabs, but the chipboard was a good thickness, the fit was very good, and the image reproduction was lovely with a matte finish.

I wish I had to more say about this puzzle, I’m just not feelin’ it at the moment. Sorry.

9 thoughts on “Harmony Harbor

  1. Alice

    It is a nice image. Sorry it didn’t do much for you. I wasn’t aware of these puzzles, and I have a lifetime subscription to the Calm app! LOL! Like you, I’m not sure I need audio to go with my puzzles. I find puzzling to be fairly meditative on its own. I love my Calm sleep stories, though! So pleasant to drift off listening to someone with a lovely voice describe their train trip in some exotic locale.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I found this one at Target, or I’m sure you could order them online if you’re interested.

      You don’t get interested in the story and stay awake to hear the end of it? Or are they relatively boring to aid you in falling asleep?


      1. Alice

        It’s hard to describe. They are designed to lull you to sleep, but at the same time they are interesting. But definitely not suspenseful. There are some whose beginning I have memorized because I’ve heard it so many times, yet I’ve never heard the end!

        Liked by 1 person

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