Frenchie In Progress

Frenchie – de.bored puzzles – 500 pieces

My beautiful daughter found me this puzzle when she was out shopping and knew that I would love it. She texted me a picture and after I determined it wasn’t made by a brand on my “do not purchase” list I told her to pick it up for me. It’s going to be beautiful when it’s finished!

I tried to find this puzzle online, and while the company has many puzzles for sale they are not currently showing this one anywhere on their site. In fact the only images I could find were one from instagram with a partially completed puzzle, and another that was on sale on eBay; nowhere could I find an image of just the puzzle itself.

It’s a new company to me, and I’m moderately impressed by the quality so far. There are a very good variety of piece shapes, the image reproduction is very good with bright colors and sharp lines, and the fit is fair/good as well. They use the “sharp” white backing that I am not a fan of, but it can be overlooked if the rest of the quality is reasonable. It reminds me of the quality of a Mudpuppy puzzle, with the difference that it has a variety of piece shapes instead of only ballerinas.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do much work on it yesterday, I had to take my strongest pain meds and spend the day in bed. Today is driving around hubby to both physical therapy and an appointment with his surgeon. I doubt there will be much accomplished until tomorrow – but I’m looking forward to it!