Owl Farm

Owl Farm
Owl Farm by Debbie Mumm – Ceaco – 550 pieces

Adorable image and a pretty easy assembly. Still, it was fun to put together and there was a little bit of challenge. Mostly what I was looking for was a “mind-numbing” experience, I didn’t want to think about anything other than puzzle pieces and how they fit together. This puzzle was exactly what I needed.

I think this was the first image by Debbie Mumm that I’ve done, and I had a great time with it. Owls can be very cute, and she has quite a few owl images; there are several that I would very much enjoy assembling.

I’ve done several Ceaco puzzles lately, and they’ve mostly been good quality. But it’s been more about the image for me. They have such a varied catalog of interesting images, and some of them are exclusive, so I’ve got to decide whether I want to pass on the artwork because of the brand. I usually don’t pass on fun or interesting images from Ceaco anymore. If it looks like it will be entertaining then I’m going for it.

Life is for living, and puzzling!