Mystery Box – Day 3

mystery puzzle 3
3 Days down – ???? to go

This puzzle is a beast! It doesn’t mean we’re not having a good time though. Mom came over 2 days in a row to play puzzle with me, and we’re having tons of fun. 🙂

As you can see we’ve been attempting to work on the edges. We find though that the pieces are so intricate and distinct that it we’re constantly being distracted. If I’m looking for a certain shape and come across a piece that I recognize might fit somewhere else I immediately forget what I’ve been looking for and try to find where that new piece goes. The more we work it and become familiar with the shapes the worse our puzzle a.d.d. gets! Still, we recognize that we’re doing it and end up laughing about it which makes the puzzle even more entertaining.

Silly old ladies that mom and I are, we’ve already got an inside joke going about this puzzle that makes us giggle or dissolve in to fits of uncontrollable laughter. My humor is quite dark and dry sometimes so I won’t share the joke here in order to keep from upsetting or offending anyone; but it’s certainly keeping us entertained. She sent me a 3 word text yesterday morning that seriously had me laughing out loud for several minutes. 😆

I haven’t decided if this is it’s own puzzle or part of a larger one, but I’m attempting to forget about that and just relax and enjoy putting it together. A five pound box of vintage wooden puzzle pieces with no clue as to image, size, or piece count turns out to be one of my best purchases in a while!