Shopping Trip

I had to leave the house yesterday, and found myself at the bookstore looking at jigsaw puzzles, I even ended up buying a few – who woulda thunk it???

Before leaving home I was sorting my next puzzle, but now that I’ve got these new ones the one I was preparing to assemble seems so boring! Plus, if I get Frankenstein and the horror books done quickly they can be posted this month for Halloween.🎃

Interestingly, after my jaunt to the store I now have a shopping tip for you, if you shop in person. The World of Frankenstein is a Laurence King brand puzzle, and if I were you and wanted good quality I would only purchase this brand if you can be sure where it was manufactured.

In the store today there were plenty of puzzles by this brand, including The World of Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Agatha Christie, etc. – but they were all manufactured in China. The World of Frankenstein was one of only two images by this brand in the store today that was manufactured in the Netherlands. There is a big difference in quality between the two, and after seeing the difference in person and talking with a fellow puzzle blogger in Europe about this brand I wouldn’t purchase a Laurence King puzzle if it was made in China. If you’re spending your hard-earned puzzle budget on a new LK puzzle, please be certain where it was manufactured.

I’ve never recommended a brand specifically depending on where it was made, but there’s a first time for everything. So, if you find a Laurence King puzzle that was manufactured in the Netherlands I highly recommend them. I just completed one of their puzzles and it was excellent quality (I adored it!). If you find the same brand but it was made in China, be wary. Just a friendly suggestion of course. 😊

Anyway, now that these three puzzles are sitting on my board, my fickle menopausal brain (currently being slowly boiled from the inside by hot flashes) has decided that I’m going to assemble the horror books collage. I haven’t started it yet, but I’m very much looking forward to it!

Happy puzzling today my friends!

8 thoughts on “Shopping Trip

  1. Jess

    I really love Re-marks! I have never been disappointed by them. Of course, I have only tried a handful of puzzle brands so far, but of those that I’ve tried they are my hands-down favorite. Thanks for the tip about Laurence King. I saw and liked the Agatha Christie puzzle, but wasn’t sure about quality.

    Deciding to assemble the horror books collage is a wise choice. Seasonally appropriate and all that. Enjoy it, Stacey!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great that you were able to find a World of-puzzle from the Netherlands! When I saw the image I thought you had caved 😀 I would really like the World of Dracula, but after my experience with Agatha Christie, I’m not buying unless I can see that it’s manufactured in the Netherlands.

    Liked by 1 person

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