…Mad In Progress…

Most Everyone is Mad by Dean MacAdam – Ravensburger – 1000 pieces

I’ve haven’t gotten too much completed on this puzzle so far; some nasty virus has taken up residence and for the past couple of days I’ve been in bed trying to rest and feel better. Thank goodness today I’m finally feeling up to sitting at the puzzle table again and have accomplished a bit this morning.

Most of the principle characters are done or almost done, except of course for the Cheshire Cat who’s smack in the middle of the image. He’s next, and that nasty smile of his should make it pretty easy.

This is my third puzzle with artwork by Dean MacAdam, and his images are so full of fun and interesting characters that they make for excellent puzzling. There are a couple newer fairytale images I have yet to purchase (Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood), and he’s got another one called The Dog Walker that looks too adorable for words. 🤎🐕🐩🐕‍🦺🤎

Uh oh, I feel the PADS kicking in…where’s my wallet?!