Made With Love

Made With Love – MicroPuzzles – 150 pieces

I started this little beauty before we left on our vacation, and our daughter finished it up while we were gone – a joint effort! I love all the crafts and sewing supplies in this image, it definitely reminds me of my mom. She made everything with love. 💖

My mother was amazing in the craft department; she sewed, knitted, crocheted, cross-stitched, did beadwork, hook rugs, and just about any other craft you can think of. My father had a lot to deal with when she got really involved with a certain craft – the hoarding of supplies started right away! Luckily for him it was a while before the internet made all her supplies readily available, otherwise we might have had to dig them both out of the house with a shovel.

This image absolutely had me going down memory lane, it’s a beautiful little puzzle. 💟