70s Shows

70s Shows – MasterPieces – 1000 pieces

My frame of mind was NOT in the right place when I was assembling this puzzle; usually collages make me happy – this one just wasn’t entertaining. There were so many faces, so many pieces with just an eye or an ear, and I found myself having to check the poster frequently to see where things went. It isn’t how I normally puzzle, and unfortunately I just didn’t enjoy this one as much as I’d hoped to.

It was fun at the beginning, once the border was completed I put together all the words – love that part! 💖

After the words were done it got more tedious and annoying for me. I just wasn’t in the right headspace I suppose, normally these types of puzzles are great fun. In the 70s my family and I watched plenty of these tv shows together, they all hold memories for me so I was really looking forward to this assembly. Apparently I just chose to assemble it at the wrong time, it wasn’t anyone’s fault but my own.

Luckily, near the end hubby came in the puzzle room to talk to me and after telling him how frustrating the puzzle was he decided he was going to help me finish. He helped with the final 70 or 80 pieces. Of course that’s his M.O. (modus operandi); there’s nothing he loves more than coming to my rescue. So, I tell him that this puzzle is frustrating me and he rides in on his white horse – and saves me from a tedious assembly.

It was nice working together with him, I don’t usually have anyone sitting side by side with me to puzzle anymore.💕

Unlike most the other puzzles with tv shows from a particular decade I can tell you that I know every single show in this image, and have seen at the very least one episode of each program. Back in the day there were only three major networks in the States, so there wasn’t a lot to choose from; no streaming services, no cable television with a thousand different channels, no DVDs or VHS tapes of movies to watch at home. There was the television…that’s it! And the shows in this puzzle were all very popular, so my family watched most of them on a regular basis.

M*A*S*H was a family favorite back in the 70s and 80s, we all watched it together – back when the whole family sat together to see a tv program. My oldest son and I still watch it on a streaming service when he wants to spend time with me; we usually work on a jigsaw puzzle together and enjoy Hawkeye and Trapper or BJ making mischief and tugging on our heartstrings.

The Carol Burnett Show was another favorite of mine – me being the comedy nerd that I am. The scene shown above from Went With the Wind where she comes down the staircase dressed in the draperies complete with the curtain rod was one of the funniest scenes in the history of television (if you ask me). I can still remember laughing hysterically when I saw it for the first time, and remember how long they had to wait for the audience to stop laughing so they could continue with the sketch. Carol Burnett just turned 90 years old – what a comedy treasure she is. 🤗

I wish I could tell you how much I enjoyed this puzzle, but I really didn’t – it just wasn’t the right image, or the right time – or both.

Don’t be dissuaded by me though, it’s a very good quality puzzle with an excellent fit, it even stands up on it’s edge (forgot to get a picture of that before I disassembled it). If you’re looking for a well made collage of tv shows from the 1970s, look no further.