My Puzzle Buddy


My handsome boy is having surgery this morning, it’s almost as stressful as when I’m having surgery! It feels horrible to leave him with the vet when I know he’s scared. I know he’ll feel better once it’s taken care of, so it has to be done whether I like it or not. 😥

He’s my puzzle buddy, and has his own bed in the puzzle room where he keeps me company. When he’s had enough of being supportive he goes under the table and taps me on the knees with his nose to let me know he thinks it’s time for us to find something else to do. So sweet!

I’m hoping he’s back to his old self and feeling better soon. 🐶

13 thoughts on “My Puzzle Buddy

  1. Ellen LoGiudice

    Stacey, our furry friends bring so much to our lives. I’m sure your little puzzle buddy will soon be back in his cozy bed in your puzzle room and tapping you with his nose when it’s time for walkies.

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  2. Pingback: Santa Paws - Puzzle Momma

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